Garden Club

by Barbara Castle

The Garden Club at South Salem Senior Center will meet on February 19, 1 p.m., at the Center. Please note, this is a TUESDAY, not our usual day which is the third Monday of each month. Due to government holidays in January and February, our meetings are on different days.

We will have time to chat, share garden tidbits, and get to know our members a little better. Bring garden magazines or seed catalogs that you would like to recycle to our club members.

Looking forward to seeing you. Questions? Call me at 503-375-7723. Always follow your BLISS…….

February Gardening Tips
Time to plan your Spring garden. Shop for seeds from catalogs and garden stores to get best choice seed varieties. Start onion seeds now. They’ll be ready for setting out in April. Onions from seeds are generally firmer and longer lasting than from sets. Start parsley seeds indoors now. You may think you have successfully wintered over the plant, but it is a biennial and will soon go to seed.
– The Old Farmer’s Almanac

Monday Afternoon Crafters

by Arlene Williams

January was a crazy month for our group. We enjoy being with each other every Monday afternoon, but January upset our schedule. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve were both on Monday and SSSC closed early. That would cancel our meeting, but someone suggested meeting on Wednesdays and the Center gladly rescheduled us. Then Martin Luther King Day was on a Monday. Once again we met on Wednesday. We were happy to welcome some former members who had conflicts on Mondays. It was good to see them again.

Every Monday or Wednesday, I’m amazed at the amount of items that are turned in to be distributed to those less fortunate than we are. We also want to recognize those ladies who bring in things that they have created and just leave them at the Center. They are all appreciated so very much!

A few of us are making slippers to fulfill a request by Hospice. We have patterns that are quite simple, if anyone needs them.

If anyone would like to join us, we meet on Monday afternoons, unless there is a Monday holiday, from 1 to 3 p.m. We have yarn, needles, hooks, patterns and lots of fun! Come join us.

Thank You Note: Letter to the South Salem Seniors

Thank you for your contribution of 41 knit hats, 11 knit scarves, 4 pairs of gloves for the children we serve. All of us at the Assistance League of Salem-Keizer want you to know how much we appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity of time and effort.

Check Out the Nifty Thrifty Rummage Room

by Francis Fredrickson and Randy Miles

Stop by the Center’s Rummage Room and check out all the great items for sale. There’s a whole table of delightful Easter decorations, a table of toys, stuffed animals, lots of clothing and household goods, plus indoor and outdoor furniture.

OPEN Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and first Saturday, 9 to 1. Donations accepted.

Rummage Room Sale

All Furniture 1/2 off through end of February!

Gift Shoppe News

Come on in and check out our jewelry and many other gift items which are perfect for Valentine’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or any occasion. We have an excellent selection of greeting cards.

We also accept donations of jewelry, gift items, collectibles, anything you wish to clear out of your closets and cabinets.

Your yesterday collectibles could become someone’s today treasures.

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