The Travel section is once again up and running. We are starting off slow, but interest has been fantastic. We offer local day trips and have some deals on cruises. Our first local trip is June 28th and we are off to see the Covered Bridges. Unless otherwise noted, all local trips are $65.00 per traveler. Lunch is not included, though as a group we will stop at reasonably priced outlets and dine. If you prefer you may bring your own lunch.

This is your travel program and input is always welcomed. The travel office will be open Monday thru Friday from 9 am to noon. Travel is also looking into local events (Brothers Auto Museum), and local performances (when new acoustic panels are installed). We are presently talking to one of the colleges about a concert they will be performing in September.

Future trips in the planning are: Tillamook, Chachalu Indian Museum, Thompson Flour Mill, and Willamette Pie Factory. All local trips are coordinated with Oregon Best Tours.