Garden Club

by Barbara Castle

In April, the Garden Club will offer a presentation on Drip Irrigation. Many folks have pots for veggies, flowers & other growing things and drip irrigation will make our backs less stressed. The Garden Club will meet at the South Salem Senior Center at 1pm.

Our May meeting will be after the rummage & plant sale which is the first weekend in May. We appreciate your donations of plants (house & outdoor), pots or anything garden related. PLEASE think of helping at our sale.

HAPPY SPRING & we look forward to “seeing you in the garden”!

If you have questions about Garden Club, please call Barbara at (503) 375-7723

Monday Afternoon Crafters

by Arlene Williams

First of all, a great big Thank You to neighbors of our members, who take some of our leftovers and ends of rolls and create beautiful afghans/lap quilts, hats, scarves, and mittens. We appreciate your contributions and so do the recipients of those items. We distribute these items to Operation School Bell, Helping Hands, Serenity Hospice, and Warming Centers.

Recently Serenity Hospice requested Fidget quilts for Alzheimer & Dementia patients. They brought us examples which are smaller than lap quilts and have movable items so the patient can “fidget” with them.

One of our quilting members brought a small quilt with a toy teddy bear attached to a shoe string, tucked into a pocket. She attached a fuzzy pom-pom made of yarn with a button that could be moved along a cord. Stitched on were two squares 18” made of fuzzy yarn and various items. The ’fidgets’ are attached with a zigzag stitch or hand sewn. Check your stash for fidget items!

We meet on Mondays from 1 to 3 if you’d like to join us or to help us with the Fidget Project.

CHEC at Salem Hospital

Do you know about the Community Health Education Center located inside Salem Hospital? The Community Health Education Center (CHEC) has lots of tools for staying healthy and active resources.

Aside from classes for everything health related, there is a library plus meeting rooms and a variety of support groups that provide friendship, compassion, care-giving tips, new ideas—and hope. They also bridge you to local support and resources.

The CHEC does offer programming throughout the region,providing presentations about classes and services available throughout the community.

For more information visit the CHEC Website.

Find all this and more in our April newsletter!

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