Highlights from This Month’s Newsletter… Happy New Year!
South Senior Center is open, 10 am to 2 pm. For Events, see newsletter.
Masks Required in Center – Mask Recommendations & Requirements, Oregon Mask Requirements
Camile – While you were at home recovering, you were missed. Thanks to everyone for helping out while Camile was at home resting… See Newsletter.
Senior Center Lunch Pick Up – Marion–Polk Food Share has resumed lunch service Monday through Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 PM daily. Boxed lunches will be “Handed Out” at the side of the building near the kitchen. “Drivers are asked to remain in their cars”. Kayla will greet you and take your orders; two options will be available daily. For the present no donations or fees apply. SSSC is not a Meals on Wheels distribution center. If you would like home delivery call 503-364-2856.
Exercise keeps you Healthy! – Exercise helps boost your immune system. Get out and walk, jog or join a health club. Exercise also helps if you feel depressed.
AARP Driver Safety – To be announced
Meetings This Month
United Healthcare Insurance – January 19th, 10 am to 12 pm
Providence Insurance – January 27th, 10 am to 12 pm
Finance Meeting 1/10 1:00 PM
Board Meeting 12/11 1:00 PM
Crafters – Happy New Year – At the beginning of each month we distribute our finished projects. In December we were able to distribute close to 100 items for Christmas packages to our community entities… See Newsletter.
Garden Club – Well, here we are, at the end of another weird year… somewhat better as our Sr Ctr was able to re–open, in an abbreviated time frame; but better than NOT opening. Next meeting Tuesday, January 25th… See Newsletter.
Write-Your-Life-Story Writing Group – I began journaling my travels in 1978 when we decided to take my parents in our 9’ Kit Camper to visit Washington D.C. Come join the group on Wednesdays at 10am to 12 noon… See Newsletter.
Welcome to Our Newest Members!
We have new members!
Thank You to Our Recent Donors
We appreciate your generosity!
Breakfast is on hold
Canceled until further notice, no volunteers until we start up again.
We are on hold for now but usually it’s once a month on Saturday. We offer Pancakes, Homemade Biscuits and Gravy, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage or Ham, Orange Juice, Coffee and Tea. Join us for a fun community breakfast! Learn the intricacies of the dishwasher & flip over volunteering! We caught you dreaming about our fluffy pancakes. Don’t wait! To volunteer: Contact Nancy at the front desk, Thursday & Friday mornings or Ted, Thursday afternoons. A special thanks Meadow Creek Village Assisted Living Sponsors for January breakfast.
Would you like to write an article for the newsletter? Have something to share? Drop your article off at the front office or email it to ssscoffice@comcast.com.
Deadline for the Newsletter Submissions is due the 10th of every month.
This month’s Newsletter is available! Download it here. Lunch menu not available