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Amendment to the South Salem Seniors, Inc. Bylaws

Based on the recommendations of the Budget & Finance Committee meeting on March 11, 2024, the Board of Directors approved the following recommendations to amend the Bylaws:

  1. Article VII, Section 4, Treasurer, Paragraph f. and in Article VIII, Section 2, Title and Paragraph a.

 Change the name of the Budget & Finance Committee to ”Finance Committee.”

  1. To remove Article VIII, Section 2., Paragraph c.

 “The Committee shall prepare an annual Budget for the fiscal year September 1 to August 31, to be approved by the Board at the August Board Meeting prior to the start of the new fiscal year.”

Justification:  The Budget & Finance Committee determined that, as our operations are on a cash-flow basis, it is difficult to make accurate annual projections; thus, a fiscal-year budget is not useful.

The Board approved the adoption of these amendments at the March 13, 2024 meeting.  This notice will be posted in the Library at the Center, the April Newsletter and on the website for review by members.  The changes will also be voted on at the May 15 Membership meeting.  Please plan to attend this important meeting.